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This epidemic has taught us: we must have a house of our own


Think back, everyone, or see if you came here like this. Affected by the epidemic, we are all isolated at home, the New Year has quietly left, and May Day is about to come. The first half year of 2020 is about to pass. How did the year pass, I looked innocent and didn't know where to start.

Yes, this year has passed a special year. There is no visit to relatives or friends, no banquet or wine, it is quiet and noisy. Speaking of the days of the quarantine period, are you like me? The daily activities are limited to the bedroom, kitchen, living room, and toilet!

In fact, you can also choose to go to a secluded place, away from the crowds, away from the hustle and bustle of the city, and live a primitive but civilized life; with such a container villa, I believe you will do the same in times of high epidemics. s Choice!

The container villa looks rudimentary in appearance, but its practicality is the first in the extraordinary period; the foundation is very simple. According to the size of the container, cement blocks are set at several fixed points to raise the container to prevent moisture. ; The walkway is built with anticorrosive wood, and a sun canopy is installed on it;

There is a viewing terrace on the second floor, where you can bask in the sun and watch the stars, and you can be satisfied at home during special periods;

A ramp is set up at the back door, on the one hand, it is convenient for trolleys to enter and exit when purchasing materials; on the other hand, it is also convenient for wheelchairs to enter and exit if there are elderly people at home; Internal floor plan for reference:

This epidemic has taught us:

1:You have to have a house with your own property rights, capable of cooking, reading, WIFI, and express delivery.

2:You have to have enough savings so that you won’t be unable to pay off your mortgage or credit card if you don’t go to work for a few months.

3:Know the importance of health, exercise more to improve immunity.

4:It is necessary to have a companion with three views, take care of each other and share daily life;

5:Don't eat out, and please use public chopsticks for dinner parties.

6:Whether you are sick or not, try to wear masks in public places and wash your hands more often.

7:Things are impermanent and dangers are everywhere. Go where you want to go, see the scenery you want to see as soon as possible, and do things you want to do as soon as possible.

8:Only by being able to glow and heat can you warm people around you.

9:For food, you need to know what you can eat and what you cannot eat.

10:Work, prefer what you love.

This container villa is equipped with 3 bedrooms, 1 dining room, 1 living room, 1 fitness room, 2 bathrooms, and 1 bathroom (separation of dry and wet); used waste containers for renovation, so that small spaces have perfect living functions. The configuration is complete and amazing.

The high housing prices make it impossible for you to immediately realize the first one you have to have a house with your own property rights, but the benefits come, the container solution is cost-effective and quick to install; place an order with one click, and your house may be on the road!